A growing network of Francophone child care centres!

Article de Parenthèse publié le 24 mai 2024, dans la catégorie Garderies, Petite enfance, Transmission linguistique

The development plan creating new Francophone child care spaces is moving ahead. In the coming years, families will have access to new child care centres that offer services entirely in French. Working together with the Conseil scolaire francophone, the Fédération des parents' team at le Phare C.-B. aims to expand child care services for children under 5 years of age, and also school child care for children aged 5 to 12.

Five child care projects are currently underway, at various stages of development. The table below presents a summary of the projects. In addition, five more projects are still in the pre-design stage and could be launched in the near future.

Each child care centre will offer spaces at affordable prices to families whose children are eligible to attend Francophone schools. The programming will be offered by qualified staff, in an environment where French language and Francophone culture will be the focus of all learning activities.

Several positions are currently available. Visit these websites for more information about these positions and about working in a child care centre.


City Type of service offered Project description Project partners Expected opening date
Kelowna  ·       Infant-Toddler (12 spaces)

·       30 months to 5 years old (50 spaces)


Construction of a child care centre building on the grounds of l’école Anse-au-Sable

·       Staff search in progress.



Le Phare C.-B.

Summer 2024
Vancouver  30 months to 5 years old (16 spaces)


Assume management of la Société de parents Tartine et Chocolat by le Phare C.-B. of the Fédération des parents Le Phare C.-B.


La Société de parents de la garderie Tartine et Chocolat

Summer 2024
Golden  School-aged child care (12 spaces) Creation of a child care centre within l’école La Confluence

·       Staff search in progress.

Le Phare C.-B. Autumn 2024
Delta School-aged child care (12 spaces) Creation of a child care centre within l’école Bois-Joli

·       Staff search in progress.


Le Phare C.-B. Autumn 2024
Campbell River 30 months to 5 years old (8 spaces)


Creation of a child care centre within l’école Mer-et-Montagne

·       Staff search in progress.

Le Phare C.-B. Start of 2025