Vision, Mission and Mandate



Families can enjoy a home, educational, cultural, and community environment that ensures their full development in French.



Bring together, represent, support, and equip parents in their role as first educators, and promote their commitment and participation in creating a vibrant and exemplary Francophone environment.



The Fédération des parents francophones de Colombie-Britannique fulfills its mission by taking on the following mandate:

Ensuring the welcoming of families and the support of parents, while respecting their role as first educators

Bringing together and supporting parents and member associations, and helping members to network

Representing the interests of parents and member associations and advocating, on their behalf, according to their needs

Strengthening parents' skills and abilities to maximize their participation at all levels

Collaborating, through partnerships, to create a continuum of programs and services for parents and their families, from the prenatal period through to the post-secondary level


Areas of Focus

Welcoming and support services for parents.

  1. Member associations (APP and APÉ) have access to support services, are equipped to meet their needs, and are grouped into a dynamic network.
  2. Parents are provided with support to make informed choices about conditions that are favourable to developing French, Francophone identity and culture, and their children's sense of belonging to the Francophone world, from birth to adulthood.

Support, management and development of Francophone child care

  1. Parents and their children have access to preschool centres and school-based child care that provide quality service in French.
  2. Through Phare C.-B., workers in preschool and school child care centres have access to support services and training, and are equipped according to their needs.

Leadership and representation of parents' interests and rights

  1. The Fédération des parents strengthens existing partnerships and creates new strategic alliances that help advance issues of importance for parents.
  2. The Fédération des parents continues to assume its role in representing the interests of parents and member associations, and advocating on their behalf.


To view the 2020-2025 strategic plan (available in French only), click here.