Le tournesol Child Care Centre Avoids Closure Thanks to the Expertise of le Phare C.-B.

Article from Parenthèse published on 13 February 2024, in the Child Care category.

Over the past few years, the Fédération des parents has developed expertise in the support, management, and development of Francophone child care centres through its new team called Le Phare C.-B.

Since the inception of Le Phare C.-B. in 2020, ten child care centres were either created or restarted with full management, including the most recent, la garderie Le tournesol at l’annexe Henderson de l’école Anne-Hébert, located in Vancouver.

Last year, the Parent Advisory Council (APÉ) of l’école Anne-Hébert managed Le tournesol child care service. Faced with the financial challenges of the child care centre, the managers of the service announced to parents, in the winter of 2023, the permanent closure of the service. Always listening to Francophone families regarding their child care needs, the Fédération des parents began discussions with the APÉ to find a solution that will allow for the continuation of the service for these families.

Thanks to a partnership between the APÉ, the child care centre administrators, and the Fédération des parents, a new operating license was obtained in time for the start of the 2023 school year. The team at Le Phare C.-B. with the Fédération des parents has successfully taken over the management of the child care centre’s operations, and now offers a child care service for children aged 5 to 12 at l’annexe Henderson de l’école Anne-Hébert.

An educational approach centred on learning French through play in a safe and caring environment is advocated in all child care centres managed by Le Phare C.-B. The Fédération des parents also offers training opportunities to its educators to provide continuous quality education, starting in early childhood.