A Captivating Journey to the Heart of Francophone Child Care Centres

Article from Parenthèse published on 19 October 2023, in the Child Care, Early Childhood category.

Children and families with the child care centres of the Fédération des parents have recently received unusual visits; Oscar, a little teddy bear, travelled across the province from child care centre to child care centre. Oscar participated in all the educational activities, as well as the games. He also had the opportunity to spend some days with certain families, to the delight of the children!

It’s through his daily diary that Oscar shares his adventure with us. The document is filled with photos and notes that reflect the teams’ commitment to the children, as well as the passion and pride they feel for their occupation. We discover the fascinating world of early childhood through the eyes of its main actors, the children and the teams of our child care centres.

The idea of having a travelling mascot came from a desire to share and exchange information about the creativity and the involvement of the children, as well as about the work that our teams do in the child care centres, while creating a connection between them. The Francophone child care centres of the Fédération des parents are located in different regions, such as in Nanaimo, Rossland, Vancouver, and Mission, to name just some. The teams in the child care centres of the Fédération des parents are passionate about their work, but there is little opportunity to collaborate on a common project. Oscar’s arrival in their child care centres created a synergy among them. This unifying project has therefore made it possible to build these links in a creative way and in a playful and joyful environment, for both the child care centres teams and the children, while also involving the parents and families.

In order to link Oscar’s adventures to the educational plan of our child care centres, his trip was conceived and designed in such a way as to encourage the practice of the Pedagogical Narration of British Columbia’s Early Childhood Pedagogical Framework, expressed by the Eight Guiding Principles of Francophone Identity Building (in French only).

Our educators tell us about their experience:

Sabrina Serrette, educator at la garderie Les randonneurs in Rossland: “When Les randonneurs received the package for the first time, they were surprised to see a little bear! We spent a lot of time working together to make sure Oscar enjoyed his time here in Rossland. I really appreciated the parents’ participation and all the wonderful ideas generated by this project. Oscar was able to participate in our projects, games, and social activities.”

Yara Nolasco, educator at la garderie L'île aux enfants in Vancouver: “Oscar has enriched the imagination of the children and educators, who had a great time welcoming him during his visit. He inspired us to create our own mascot, Kiki the squirrel, who is enriching our daily lives.”

Assia Azfar Azami, educator at la garderie Les riverains in Mission: “Oscar was both a witness and an adventure companion who accompanied the children in their daily discoveries. His presence further aroused their curiosity and fuelled their imagination. Oscar’s visit also helped to strengthen the connections between the child care centres of the Fédération des parents, and allowed me to draw inspiration from the activities of the other centres and to share my experiences with the children at la garderie Les riverains.”


Who knows if one day Oscar will be able to visit other Francophone child care centres in British Columbia? The invitation is out!


Oscar's adventures in pictures