What’s new at the TIRE-LIRE centre: books, games, and more!

Article from Parenthèse published on 8 February 2021, in the Transmission of French Language category.

Even during the pandemic, Francophone families living throughout British Columbia can enjoy Tire-Lire!

The Tire-lire educational resource lending centre lets you borrow from a large online catalogue of nearly 5,000 books, CDs, DVDs, games, magazines, and other educational resources in French, categorized by age group (from ages 0-2 to 11 and older) and by resource type.

How does it work? Although the actual physical Tire-Lire centre, located at l’école des Pionniers-de-Maillardville in Port Coquitlam, is closed to the public due to COVID-19 restrictions, our coordinator still processes orders (up to 10 resources at a time) sent online via the Tire-Lire website, which she then mails to subscribers.


New educational games

Tire-Lire is constantly broadening its catalogue, and recent additions include several educational games that will delight children. Games to learn shapes and colors, to develop motor skills, to recognize emotions and their nuances... there's something for all tastes and for children of any age, from little ones 2 years old to “big kids” aged 11 and older.

View the Jeux éducatifs  section on the Tire-Lire website to find out more!


Resources related to First Nations

The Government of British Columbia advocates that, at the heart of education on all levels, there be an inclusive approach to reconciliation with the province's Indigenous peoples. "Reconciliation acknowledges that there is value for all students when Indigenous content and worldviews are shared in early learning settings and classrooms in a meaningful and authentic way" (from the British Columbia Early Learning Framework).

Recognizing that a parent is a child's first educator, the Fédération des parents wants to facilitate access to resources in French that can help families integrate learning about Indigenous cultures into the families’ activities. Therefore, Tire-Lire has acquired books, games, and puppets that are related to First Nations and B.C.'s natural environment (animals, landscapes, and ecosystems).

The Fédération des parents plans to continue to broaden Tire-Lire's collections in this regard. To find the resources available at this time, you can type "autochtone" in the search field at the top of the page, from any section of the catalogue.


Subscribe and enjoy Tire-Lire now!

By facilitating access to all of these resources, Tire-Lire – which is managed by the Fédération des parents francophones de C.-B. – supports the efforts of BC parents who wish to pass on French to their children and also to foster their personal and cultural development.

A Tire-Lire subscription costs $20 per year, which includes all shipping and return costs. You can keep resources for up to three weeks before returning them, and you can borrow resources as often as you like.

To look through the catalogue and subscribe to Tire-Lire, visit the website: www.tire-lire.ca.