Every letter counts! The mobilization around Bill C-35 continues.

Article from Parenthèse published on 13 February 2024, in the Legal Case category.

The mobilization around the equitable funding of Francophone child care centres has been going on since January 24! The campaign launched by the Commission nationale des parents francophones (CNPF) and the Federation of Francophone and Acadian Communities of Canada (FCFA) was shared by all Francophone partners, allowing for more than 3000 letters to be sent in just 48 hours and calling more than 200 Member of Parliament from 338 electoral districts in all provinces and territories! All political parties were contacted, representing more than 65% of the members of the House of Commons. The mobilization will continue until MPs vote on the Senate amendment. Thank you to everyone who took a few minutes of their time to support this cause!

Note that, on December 6, 2023, Bill C-35, An Act respecting early learning and child care in Canada, was passed by the Senate. The amendment to section 8 states that the Government of Canada is committed to maintaining long-term funding for early learning and child care programs and services, including those intended for Indigenous peoples and official language minority communities. Since this amendment must go through the adoption process in the House of Commons to be ratified, the community must mobilize around this process in order to make its voice heard by its representatives in the House of Commons.

Call to Action: Every Letter Counts!

In order to preserve the right to an education in French for our children, starting in early childhood, every member of the Francophone community has a duty to ensure that this amendment is adopted. Those who have not yet had the opportunity to send a letter to their Member of Parliament are encouraged to do so as soon as possible. The CNPF has created a form letter that can be modified as needed. Just add your name and send it. To write to your Member of Parliament, please click here: https://sauvonsnosgarderies.com/lettre/

For more details on the campaign, please see the press release and message to parents here: http://tinyurl.com/3np78k4h

The mobilization campaign is being talked about in the media (in French):