Funding to Enable Access to Training for Staff in Francophone Child Care Centres

Article from Parenthèse published on 5 October 2021, in the Child Care, Early Childhood category.

Wage Subsidies Are Available to Support Upgraging of Qualifications for Staff in Francophone Child Care Centres

If you manage a Francophone child care centre (as a parent volunteer or child care centre employee), you could benefit from financial assistance if your staff is interested in training as an early childhood educator assistant (ECEA), early childhood educator (ECE), or specialized early childhood educator for infants and toddlers (ECE ITE). However, you must act quickly; you have until December 3, 2021 to take advantage of this.

The Fédération des parents francophones de Colombie-Britannique, through Le Phare C.-B. — a specialized team within the Fédération that’s entirely dedicated to the development of Francophone child care centres — wants to support the upgrading of qualifications for staff who are working in Francophone child care centres in our province, by offering wage subsidies to these centres.

This funding aims to increase the level of certification for people currently employed in Francophone early childhood centres in British Columbia, as well as to encourage these people to get their training as early childhood educator assistants (ECEA), early childhood educators (ECE), or specialized early childhood educators for infants and toddlers (ECE ITE), all in French, at Collège Éducacentre.

This funding can be used, for instance, to cover the salary of a substitute while an employee is taking basic training in early childhood education, or to pay an employee for the time they spend taking the training. The amount of each grant is $300 per employee, per session.

Child care centres where a staff member would like to register for training during the next study session at Collège Éducacentre, in winter 2022, should apply for funding now.

Child care centre administrators have until December 3, 2021 to submit the funding application, by  filling out the online form at

If you would like more information, please contact Cécile Corbet by email at, or by calling 604-736-5056, ext. 347.


These wage subsidies are offered as part of the Projet formation et renforcement des capacités des éducatrices et des éducateurs de la petite enfance, funded by the Government of Canada and administered by the Association des collèges et universités de la francophonie canadienne (ACUFC), with the support of the Comité de gestion national en petite enfance.