I support the school’s efforts to carry out activities aimed at enriching school life and participate in the implementation of the school’s educational program. Who am I?

Article from Parenthèse published on 14 February 2024, in the Education/Schools category.

My work is guided by the School Act and my primary concern is to ensure that the voice of parents is taken into consideration in the overall operation of the school. My mandate is to consult with the parents of students in the school on issues deemed pertinent, to disseminate information, and to make the relevant authorities aware of the concerns of parents and the needs of the school.

I actively participate in the implementation of the educational program, and work in collaboration with the school administration, teachers, the Fédération des parents, as well as partners involved in the Francophone educational support structure in British Columbia.

Who am I?   

As you may have guessed, I'm a school’s parent advisory council!

Indeed, my role and mandate is to represent and promote the interests of parents. I operate within the parameters established by the School Act, the policies of the Conseil scolaire francophone (CSF), and the various collective agreements for school staff. I make recommendations to the CSF, the school administration, and the teaching staff on all matters related to the school (with the exception of those under the responsibility of the School Partners’ Committee).

I am made up of a team of parent volunteers democratically elected by all the parents of the school. In this way, we form a board whose functioning is governed by statutes and regulations. Other parents are also involved in the parent advisory council from time to time or throughout the year, depending on the needs of the projects in progress.

In short, I play an essential role in enriching school life and developing a sense of belonging to the school, which has a positive impact on the quality of life in my community.

I am not alone. We are a network of 48 school’s parent advisory council, members of the Fédération des parents francophones de la Colombie-Britannique, which is officially recognized by the Ministry of Education as the organization representing all the parent advisory council in CSF schools. It represents the interests of its members and brings their demands to various provincial and national bodies. It also offers support services and the development of tools to sustain our efforts.

You’ve heard of us, or you’ve been invited to join your school’s parent advisory council, but you’re still hesitating? I invite you to read this article on the top 10 benefits of being involved. In this article you’ll find ideas that may tempt you, such as:

  • Supporting those who support your child
  • Serving as a role model for your child
  • Learning new skills

There also is an article on myths that get in the way of getting involved, and realities that will encourage reflection, and possibly interesting discussions with other parents!