A Special Meeting Between Pascale Bernier, Superintendent of the CSF, and Members of the Fédération des parents

Article from Parenthèse published on 15 December 2023, in the Annual Conference category.

The Fédération des parents had the honour of welcoming Pascale Bernier, the new Superintendent of the Conseil scolaire francophone (CSF), at its annual conference.

Ms. Bernier presented her priorities and objectives for the coming years, as well as the Framework for Enhancing Student Learning in connection with the CSF’s Strategic Plan.

It was a privilege for the delegates of the member associations to have the opportunity to get to know her and to discuss together some issues related to their concerns. This discussion was greatly appreciated by the participants, who will then be able to transmit relevant information to parents in their respective regions.

Pascale Bernier also reiterated the importance of the partnership between the CSF and the Fédération des parents in the development of Francophone education in the province. She stressed the need for the active involvement of parents’ associations in the implementation of the various school management policies. With this in mind, she stated her wish to see parents participate in the various committees of the CSF, such as the partners’ committee, the transport committee, or the accessibility committee, in order to put forward the ideas and concerns of parents in the schools’ consultative and decision-making bodies. She also took the opportunity to invite delegates to take advantage of these democratic mechanisms put in place by the CSF. It should also be noted that the Superintendent of the CSF reiterated the CSF’s commitment to the ambitious and much needed project of establishing Francophone child care centres in all CSF schools, in partnership with the Fédération des parents and its network of associations.